Tuesday 18 March 2008

The Future's Green

Happily the concept of a green wedding has made it to the mainstream. It's a movement that involves more than your die hard eco warriors and now people believe that that an ethically minded-environmentally and socially aware wedding can also be stylish, enjoyable fun while also making you feel good too.

We desperately needed something to break the nasty self indulgence of the conventional weddings of our time.While some will never tear themselves away from the idea of a magnificent extravaganza where they get to be princess for a day-more and more are coming round to the idea that some thought, conscious awareness and care for others besides themselves on their wedding day, can actually be a great thing.After all how can a selfish,self-centred, self conscious person be a beautiful bride-no matter how swanky the dress,flawless the skin and make-up,Manolo'd the feet or sparkling the teeth and diamonds? True beauty comes from within.

Its the way to go.The excessive approach left over from the nineties is so passé. Bridezillas are OUT and open generous, kind and thoughtful brides are IN!

Getting Married from the Inside Out completely supports and encourages a socially, environmentally and personally conscious approach to getting married and planning a wedding and for that reason I am so happy to have met people like Katie Fewings of Ethical Weddings and Rosie Ames of Green Union. Both are committed to and passionate about a green and ethical approach to weddings and life in general and I'm excited about what we can all achieve with our combined ideas. It's a connection to the bigger picture and our place and responsibility to and within the world. Really, it's all about having an open heart and that reaps the greatest awards.

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